COPE Studio™ is a progressing design practice & cultural consultancy based in Bonn, Germany. The studio was founded in 2020 by Cyrill Kuhlmann in Hamburg and operates in a collaborative practice that works in ongoing partnerships with artists, curators, architects, designers, editors, institutions and companies. With an international design practice, it has set itself the task of giving shape to contemporary visual culture.

Cyrill Kuhlmann (COPE Studio), Photograph by Jonas Holthaus.


COPE Studio™ specializes in developing powerful visual presences, both in the analogue and digital world. COPE Studio™ achieves this through image design, moving images and photography- all in the interplay with typography. Cyrill Kuhlmann is an art director who has given visual identity to various media brands in recent years – including NEON, Nido, DB mobil and BOA. He has also worked with various cultural institutions, including museums such as Marta Herford or the Museum Kurhaus Kleve.

Find me at the »Bachhöfe«, Paul-Kemp-Straße 9.


Accenture, Adidas, Audio Now, BMW, BMW Group, BOA, Bräutigam & Rotermund, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bureau Borsche, Deutsche Bahn, DUMMY Verlag, Gruner+Jahr, Hochtief, IWC Schaffhausen, Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A., Marta Herford, Meiré und Meiré, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Montblanc, NEON, Nido, RTL Group, Sinnerschrader, Warner Music, ZDF, ZDFinfo, Die Zeit…